Meet The Box Community’s Newest Ambassador, Darcia Ondrovcik!

The team at The Box Community is extremely excited and proud to announce Darcia Ondrovcik as our newest TBC Ambassador.

Darcia is a competitive and influential CrossFit athlete, CrossFit coach and personal trainer in Brisbane, Australia. She has been successfully competing in and enjoying CrossFit since 2011 and has been fortunate enough to compete at the Australia CrossFit Regionals on 4 occasions; twice as part of a team, and twice as an individual athlete. This powerhouse has even competed at the CrossFit games with team Torian in 2016!

Darcia advocates living a well-balanced life, managing to find time for work, CrossFit and training as well as a social life. She always has a positive attitude in and out of the box and she’s determined to help as many people as possible to be the best version of themselves and realise their potential, as well as her own.

What’s next for this superstar CrossFit athlete? To keep being the best in everything that she does.


Name: Darcia Ondrovcik

Age: 26

Sports followed: Athletics, Tennis, CrossFit 

Favourite CrossFit athlete: Not sure if I say I’d have a favourite but there’s a few ‘up there’ that I love to watch. Rich Froning. Tia Toomey…

Favourite WOD & why: 2011 Regional WOD 21-15-9 deadlift box jump- memory of my first regional, the DL weight was close to my 1RM and I made it within the time cap. Every time I’ve done that workout always reminds me of 2011 and I’ve always finished it faster.

Favourite movement/Exercise: Dead lift, C&J, muscle up- use to hate them now I love them

Favourite post mod meal: Smoothie- coconut water, frozen banana, vivo chocolate protein powder, peanut butter & chocolate cacao butter SO GOOD!

Have you always excelled at sport? I played a lot of sports as a child, I loved athletics, would say I excelled at most and always knew ‘sport’ was what I wanted to continue when I was older, but hard work and consistency is what pays off 

What got you involved in the sport of CrossFit? I loved the variety of movements. I loved the mental and physical push it gave me and was hooked straight away 

Why do you love CrossFit so much? I love that it instantly brings people together. The community is everything. I love that it gives people a better way of life which helps them make better choices in life

Favourite quotes: “You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with” “What the mind can conceive it can achieve”

Darcias ethos: Through my challenged experiences in life growing up I have now been able to choose a lifestyle that allows me to live my purpose every day. Through my experiences, I have been able to help a lot of people live a better way of life through health and fitness. I am very passionate about helping others. I get a lot of fulfilment in seeing others live their life purpose. I have been able to achieve a lot of things in life at one stage I thought was never possible. 

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