No Need for Fancy

As a fitness professional I get a lot of questions about my personal programming and any exercise “secrets” that I might be hiding from everyone. People seem to think that out there in the health and fitness industry there is a ‘secret’ bullet, program or diet that is going to be the answer to all of their problems. They think that “maybe it is the programming that I am following that is holding me back?” or “maybe it’s the Paleo diet that is not very healthy for me?”;  this leads them to go searching (usually on the interwebs) for bigger and better things. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for research, but if you think that following someone elses programming or finding an ‘easier’ diet to follow is going to be the answer to all of your problems, I’m sorry but I have some bad news for you…  It’s not.

This is a MASSIVE thing that my coach says to me and something that I have always believed in; there is no easy way, no magic bullet. It almost doesn’t matter what programming you are following. What matters most is that you follow it consistently and you are working at 100% at every one of your sessions. Too many people come in for 5 sessions for one week, then 2 sessions the following week, then 1 session the following week and then 5 sessions again and wonder why they are not seeing any progress. I can easily show these people why they are not seeing any progress. The programming that I write is as balanced as some of the top programming in the world. Guess what? I don’t re – invent the wheel, I ‘borrow’ ideas from top trainers all over the world (as do most trainers) and use them in the gym. Over the course of a week I implement an EXTREMELY balanced program. There is usually 1 aerobic based day, 2 strength based days, an interval based day and a longer conditioning based day all with a good balance of strength, conditioning, weights and body weight movements as well as core work and mobility work. It doesn’t get much more balanced than that and yet I still have members questioning whether or not this is the ‘BEST’ way for them to get results. I have a lot of people dislike a Circuit session when I occasionally run them just because of the name. If I renamed it interval training Wednesday the gym would be packed.

Every workout is only as hard as you make it; whether it is a strength, aerobic or conditioning based day. There is NO need for fancy programs or specialized competitor programs – you just need to put in the work and watch your nutrition… Every single day. Simples.


Nathan Wiese

Nathan Wiese is a highly qualified personal trainer with many years’ experience in the health and fitness industry. He believes that we live in a society that is constantly becoming more and more sedentary and we as humans must take action to guarantee that we maintain our health, fitness, vitality and movement. He also believes that everyone is entitled to a long, high quality healthy life – but this doesn’t come without effort and we need to do something about it every single day. He helps clients improve this side of their lives through exercise, nutrition and education. He also helps to improve clients’ energy, vitality, mindset, strength and fitness so they are all running at their peak, always.

Nathan Wiese

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