The 2016 CrossFit Open is over! This may be a sad occasion as the realisation sets in that the open will not be happening for another 12 months but I imagine for the majority of people it comes as a welcomed relief. A relief as we go back to our weekly training routine and rid ourselves of sleepless nights as we toss and turn coming up with game plans on how to conquer the weeks open workout. As we sit back, reflect and reminisce about the events of the open I think it’s important to reflect upon what the CrossFit Open actually represents.
Now I must say that I am just your average guy with a laptop, I’m no Rich Froning or that Devil of a man Dave Castro so please keep that in mind as I share my thoughts. I’m not here to bash the workouts or offer my thoughts on how each individual workout could be improved but rather offer my opinion and my insight as to what makes this sport so unique when it comes to the CrossFit open.
Personal growth & Dedication
Our results of the open show our dedication not only to CrossFit but to ourselves. It shows the dedication we have to improving our health, our body and shows our dedication to achieving greatness. It allows personal growth as the open involves the growth and enhancement of all aspects of us as individuals through our training and enhances the positive feelings we have about ourself, and our effectiveness in training, living and enjoying life.
Support from the community
I have spoken about this numerous times but my favourite thing about the open is the support and camaraderie you get from the CrossFit community! The open for me is an intense time, one full of anticipation, nerves, pain and relief week after week but what makes the experience so exhilarating is being able to share it with friends and the entire CrossFit community around the world. Supporting others, getting support from everyone at the box and around the world via social media; it’s a time when the world can’t help but become aware of CrossFit and this allows for the growth of the sport.
A realisation
The open is a realisation that you are stronger than you thought! How many people hit P.Rs, how many people achieved their first bar muscle up this year, how many people beat their 14.5 time… the open is a realisation that you are capable of more than you initially believe. The open instills confidence and an awareness of your strength and beauty because being strong is beautiful. The open is a timely reminder of your accomplishments, how much you have improved in the last 12 months and your greatness. Greatness comes in many forms from qualifying for regionals to completing a workout RX as prescribed and in many other forms, but we are all capable of greatness which, the open allows us to recognise our greatness.
Thank you for reading and I hope that I have shared similar views to yours and made you realise how unique the open and this sport actually is. Good luck in your next 12 months of training and hopefully you can improve on this year accomplishments and recognise your greatness.
George Moustakas
With a background in Australian Rules Football and as an competitive amateur Muay Thai Boxer George has over 13 years’ experience in the Fitness industry. The last 3 years have seen him develop a passion for CrossFit and he thrives on working out, punishing himself with the daily WOD and sharing in some light hearted banter with the CrossFit Adelaide crew. With a strong belief in positive thinking and that there is no substitute for hard work George has continued to grow and contribute to the local CrossFit community.
“Focus on the positives in your life, focus on what makes you happy, focus on improving yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. Live with no regrets and act as though it’s impossible to fail.”