Why I Love CrossFit…

Recently The Box Community ran a competition to see who had to most profound answer to the question: Why do you love CrossFit?

Brittany Jane had what we believe to be the greatest response:

“It’s a community, a tribe, a sense of belonging found in combined sweat, desire, and hustle to be the greatest. You can’t find it in any other sport. It’s the craziness and refusal to accept that those on the outside say it can’t be done. Tell us we can’t and that’s why we will go ahead and do it. This shared drive to become superhuman is why I love CrossFit.”

Brittany would like to give a shout out to her crew at Southern CrossFit Nedlands and her coach Jason who got her involved in the sport we all love!

Thanks to everyone who shared their responses and stay #tbcstrong!

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