Elin Granstrand
The team at TBC Apparel is extremely proud to have Elin Granstrand on as a TBC Apparel Ambassador.
Elin was born in Sweden, but has lived in Newcastle, Australia for the last 5 years. She has always been in to health and fitness, but it wasn’t until she started CrossFit in 2017 that it really took off.
When she was living in Sweden she competed in dressage at a national level, but after graduation school she moved to Norway to work so that she could backpack around Asia for 6 months with one of her friends. When she first moved to Australia she wanted to compete in body building, and the very strict diet soon turned in to an obsession and a very unhealthy relationship with food. It took many years and many kilos up and down before she finally found balance and learned to love herself again. She started reading about nutrition, mindset and learning about emotional intelligence and how important our thoughts actually are.
Elin has entered a few local CrossFit competitions, completed a nutrition degree and a health coaching course. In July 2018 she started “Lotus Health Co” which is an online nutrition company than she runs herself. She educates her clients about not only nutrition, but also about how to empower themselves, gain back their confidence and how to find a healthy balance in life.
When she is not working she likes to train at CrossFit Light, eat burgers, go to the beach with her friends, drink coffee and travel. She is also obsessed with dogs and llamas.
What’s next for this inspirational leader? To influence women to love the skin their in!