Warm Up: 2 Rounds Rower x250ms Air Squats x210 Walkouts x3 Strength 4 Sets Bench Press 10 – 12 Reps (Increasing Weight) Lat Pulldown Reverse Grip (Increasing Weight) 2 minute Rest Conditioning 4 Sets 20 DB Walking Lunges (Increasing Weight) 10 Jump Squats 2 minute Rest Core 3 Sets 30 second Hollow […]
Monthly Archives: December 2018
Warm Up: 2 Rounds Rower x250ms Alt. Lunges x20 Walkouts x3 Conditioning: 21 – 15 – 9 KB Swing (24kg/16kg) Pushups (Chest to floor) Cardio: 5 Rounds Battle Ropes 30sec Box Jumps x10 Rest x1min Rower 5 minute (30:30)
Warm Up: 2 Rounds Spin Bike x500ms Air Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10 (each side) Cardio Rower 1000m Time Trial Strength: 3 Rounds 8 DB Stepups (each side) 8 DB Static Lunges (each side) 8 DB Push Press (Heavy) Conditioning: 3 Rounds x 60 seconds (Rolling 5 minute clock) DB Chest Press […]
Warm Up: 2 Rounds Rower x300ms Air Squats x10 Pushups x10 (Depth is most important so, perform from Toes or Knees) Strength: 6 Rounds E2MOM (Every 2 Minutes On the Minute) 10 Barbell Back Squats (Full depth & Increasing weight each set) Conditioning: 3 Rounds 30:30 Box Jumps DB Push Press (20kg/12kg) KB […]