Category Archives: Blog

Meet TBC Apparels Newest Ambassador, Victoria Doidge!

The team at TBC Apparel is extremely proud to have Victoria Doidge on as a TBC Apparel Ambassador. Victoria Doidge is a 23 year old wife, mum, gym owner & coach from South Australia. She has been in the fitness industry for almost 10 years & a coach for the last 8 years; 4 years ago, […]

Meet TBC Apparels Newest Ambassador, Elin Granstrand!

The team at TBC Apparel is extremely proud to have Elin Granstrand on as a TBC Apparel Ambassador. Elin was born in Sweden, but has lived in Newcastle, Australia for the last 5 years. She has always been in to health and fitness, but it wasn’t until she started CrossFit in 2017 that it really […]